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Wednesday, 28 July 2010


ATC/ OBE Tour (Part One)

We’ve just finished our little run of dates with our new buddies Orders of the British Empire, the first show got off to a bit of a dodgy start with a few tech problems with bass pedals in the second song but we survived (we’re sure it’s a London thing now). We played with the awesome Suffer Like G Did and Hreda, great night despite the problems!

Derby next - we were joined by Cissy and The Dust Collectors for what turned out to be one of the most enjoyable gigs we’ve played in a while which more than made up for the previous nights issues, there was alot of drinking done as we introduced the O.B.E lads to their first bottles of buckfast as we drank into the small hours.

Sunday was all about a huge brunch before setting off to Leeds, we played with our good friends and our newest label buddies Khuda and the ever excellent Magnapinna, it was yet another fun sweaty night before we headed back to Nottingham for Work the next morning :(

Work done for the day it was time to meet up with the O.B.E lads again and load in at the Chameleon in Notts, by far the hottest day of the tour so far and not helped by an army of flying ants pestering the fuck out of us all, we were joined by sheffield boys Actionier and local buds 8mm Orchestra as well as beatboxer Lee-tabix, it was our first headline show in Nottingham and we enjoyed the shit out of it.

After the show we said our goodbyes to the O.B.E lads and went our seperate ways (until next time) to go get much needed showers!

O.B.E play in Chichester on Wednesday

Our Birmingham show at the sunflower lounge this thursday has been postponed for a bit (we’ll be playing Scruffy Murphys on the 12th August) so our next stop this week will be Ireland on Friday for a few shows with Friend? we can’t wait :D


we arrived in Dublin airport around 9pm on Friday night with no clue how we would get to Blessington Lakes for the Knockanstockan festival, we were just about to jump on the bus to Dublin for the night when we got a text telling us we had a lift waiting for us at the other side of the airport carpark so off we set in search of this mystery person and found Josh’s mate Peter waiting for us to go to the festival…LEGEND!!!

We arrived at about 11.20 and found our buddies Friend? just as ASIWYFA were starting and drove straight down to the festival site to get our wrist bands and get on the session, ASIWYFA were lethal as usual and after their set we had a quick catchup before they had to set off for Glasgowbury. We proceeded to get very messy and memories are sketchy at best.

Saturday we spent the day checking out the other bands and fighting tired heads and hangovers before we were due to play at 8.30pm, we had a blast although you could probably tell a few of us had had a heavy one the previous night but it was fun and we partied for yet another night!

Sunday we had a quick scare that i’d lost my bag with all my guitar pedals and passport in it meaning i’d have been living back in Ireland for a while (not a bad prospect really) but it later showed up it had been mixed up with Absolutely curtains gear. Panic over we headed to Mark’s flat in Dublin to get showered and ready for our show at Twisted Pepper, all the bands were on top form including Cube and Boat to Palermo who played their first and second gigs respectively :D

also playing were Overhead, the Albatross who i’d heard lots of good things but not heard anything by, but they were awesome really ballsy post-rock stuff and we’ll defintiely get them over to the UK soon. Friend? Headlined the show and as usual were outstanding then we all head off to kinsealy for a session before setting up in the kitchen at about 3.30am for a sweaty set which was a nice end to the weekend!

we jumped in a taxi about 7am and headed straight to the airport, with a severe lack of sleep and more booze than needed to be in our systems we arrived back in the UK and i got the bus straight into work…next stop Southampton to finish recording the album and then it’s on to Scotland for our first time ;D

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